On the 29th of August Maison Florida opened its doors for the second time. Every space, big and small was activated on this day, resulting in a jungle of creativity with a surprise behind every door. Around 70 residents were presenting their atelier space or artistic practice with performances, exhibitions, concerts, experiments, food design… This day we already celebrated the ending of year 2 and started dreaming about the potential of the third and last year of Maison Florida.
The School is researching an atypical path towards a better city, school and community.
Maison Florida is an artist run community, searching for new insights through intercultural and interdisciplinary experiments.

Participating Artists
Fiamma Osimo
Pablo HannonBjorn Croonenborghs
Stef Lemmens
Kobe Ruysen
Ilse Jooken
Marc Wetsel
Jonathan Frederix & Robin Ricky
Jose Daniel Lopez Torres
Samuel Valor Reyes
Door de Swert
Sam Kiebooms & Friends
Simon Borremans
Dieter Pareyn
Marc Wetsels
Niels Hendrix
Micha Volders
Stijn Segers
Stefanie De Bakker
Tjörven Santermans
Dimitri Vossen
Stefanie De Bakker
Philip Jurca
Max Dewil
Mathias Meyvisch
Johan BruninxElke CuppensGlenn Cox
Femke NijsAnton Clijmans
Fleur Keersmaekers
Ruud HorrichsRico PanviniAle Mangindaan
Jaime le BleuEmre BektasSilvia Adriana
Lotte HermansMike FeijenJordi MölleringEmine Cerkinaj
Emilia KeustersMarianne WintenLena DerwaelSamuel CurtisMariken VanheusdenIlse Van RoyKoby IgnoulLot Geukens
Emile BongaertsSebastian Josep FerranAnnelies Van Camp
LOSCO cribTatiana SempelsFee Veraghtert
Mathias Kuypers
Katinka Bassleer
Anne-Lore Thijssen
Milan GillardTomas de GregorioJosine Martens
Wim DecoeneFien GeersLore Praet
Saverio Sammartino
Open Spaces
Klub Kitch
The Oven
Open Space
Crocodile Boulevard
The Gallery
Conference Room
Inner Garden
Studio 35
Flow Chucks Atelier
Tattoo School
Paper Planes Editions
Emi-Emi Space
Electronic Cave
Flintstove Pizza Oven