Albert Einstein once said “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”. We live in a world in which success is not measured by how much we inspire or help people. Success is rather often based on the type of job you have, how much money you make or how big your house is. One assumption we sometimes come across when it comes to a simpler way of living is that people think we don’t work and take advantage of unemployment benefits. Within our small network of alternative living we notice quite the opposite. We see that people don’t need these benefits because their cost of living is kept low with off-grid structures, plant-based food and an overall minimalistic lifestyle. Our main currency is not money but time. Time to interact, fail, learn, grow… We all work half-time as graphic designers, artists, architects, teachers… The other half of our time we are also ‘working’, but for this we don’t get paid. This extra time we receive is often used to do volunteer work or to organize a non-profit event for the community. The idea that working a fulltime job is the only way to be successful is outdated. How can we expand our conception of what it means to be successful and recognize the value that lies in unpaid community work?
May 7, 2023