Fermented Suint MethodPro’s‣No Harsh Chemicals: ‣Low Water Usage: ‣Cost-Effective:‣Preserves Wool Quality:‣Less Fiber Damage: ‣Traditional and Sustainable:‣Biodegradable Waste: Steps‣Prepare the Fleece:‣Set Up the Soaking Container:‣Soak the Fleece:‣Fermentation Period:‣Check the Progress:‣Rinse the Fleece:‣Dry the Fleece:‣Reuse the Fermentation Bath (Optional):Con’s‣Long Process: ‣Additional Rinsing Required: ‣Unpleasant Smell: ‣Temperature Sensitivity:‣Potential for Incomplete Cleaning:‣Space Requirement:‣Increased Risk of Fiber Matting:Cold Water Method‣Prepare the Fleece‣Set Up the Washing Area‣Soak the Fleece‣Drain and Refill‣Rinse the Fleece‣Remove Excess Water‣Dry the Fleece‣Store or Use the FleeceHot Water Method (No Lanolin)‣Prepare the Wool:‣Fill the First Wash Tub with Hot Water:‣Add Detergent:‣Submerge the Fleece:‣Drain and Repeat:‣Rinse the Wool:‣Dry the Wool:‣Optional Rinse with Vinegar:LanolinPro’s‣Natural Water Resistance:‣Softens Fibers:‣Skin Benefits:‣Traditional and Heritage Uses:Con’s‣Difficult to Dye:‣Greasy Texture:‣Carding and Spinning Challenges:‣Increased Maintenance:‣Allergenic Potential:Back to Database